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How to Be On the Moon

Author: Viviane Schwarz

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ISBN: 9781536205459

Publisher: Candlewick Press

Binding: Hardcover

Year Distributed: 2021 -

Availability: Current Books

Themes/Topics: Imagination & Adventure, Friendship

Book Acticity

Best friends Anna and Crocodile are going on an adventure to the moon! Viviane Schwarz's pitch-perfect text and wonderfully colorful illustrations launch this story off the page in a true celebration of curiosity and the magic of imaginative play.

Age Group 4 years

What’s Happening at this Age

  • Understanding that words are read from left to right and pages are read from top to bottom
  • Recognizing their name in print and other often-seen words, like those on signs name beginning letters or sounds of words
  • Matching some letters to their sounds
  • Developing awareness of syllables
  • May use familiar letters to try writing words
  • Retelling stories that have been read to them

Your child already knows how to read some words! Familiar favorite words like their own name, friends’ names, the name of their favorite restaurant, or other places you frequent, are part of your child’s sight word vocabulary. They aren’t quite decoding the words as they will later but they recognize the shape of the word when written out. Some logos like McDonalds or Subway also have color cues that your child can use to figure out the word. More and more, your child is paying attention to the visual clues of words. They are also continuing to make connections between the sounds and the letters that represent them. They may be telling stories by drawing pictures and sometimes adding letters or even a whole word to their drawings. This is a busy time in emergent literacy as your child is standing right on the edge of being able to read and write themselves!

Click here to see a full list of milestones for your 4-year-old as well as tips and activities for you and your child!

Book Acticity
Related Activities

10 Ways to Explore How to Be On the Moon: Click to download our suggestions for simple (and fun!) activities for this favorite Raising Readers book.


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