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Baby Bear’s Books

Author: Jane Yolen | Illustrator: Melissa Sweet

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0.0 out of 5 stars (based on 0 reviews)

ISBN: 9780547570556

Publisher: Harcourt

Binding: Hardcover

Year Distributed: 2011 - 2012, 2016 - 2017, and 2021-2022

Availability: Current Books

Themes/Topics: Books & Reading

Book Acticity

What's the best time of day for reading? Well, for Baby Bear, it's all day long. From the first wild wake-up book to the last gentle sleepy-time book—and all the adventures in between—each book takes Baby Bear somewhere new and exciting.

Age Group Newborn

What’s Happening at this Age

  • Recognizing familiar voices
  • Gazing at high contrast pictures
  • Looking at faces

Your little one is just getting used to the world around them. That includes getting to know YOU in a new way! Up until now, your baby has only heard your voice. Your voice is the most important thing in their world right now. Singing and talking to them as you soothe them reinforces that connection. Reading simple books, even though they don’t understand them, gives you another way of sharing your connection. As their vision develops, they will be increasingly drawn to faces. When you talk with them, putting your face within 12 inches of theirs will help them connect your face to the sound that they already love!

Why did we select this book?

This book's message about finding opportunities to read as a family throughout the day is one we could not resist. This is a book to grow with and to experience at all ages, from infant tummy-time on through the toddler years. And don't worry if this book gets torn by little hands—there is always tape!

Book Acticity
Related Activities

Reading to your child just 20 minutes a day makes them feel special and makes them see that books are special. Mix board books into your toy box, tuck them in your diaper bag, and keep them any other place where you might have a chance to reach for them and engage with your child. That way when you read Baby Bear’s Books to your little one over the next few years, you can talk with them about all the different times and places you have shared books.


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